First 9 Weeks of School (August 25 thru October 27)
Week 1Monday 8-24: Letter to Miss Skirtich and signed syllabus
Tuesday 8-25: Signed Syllabus Wednesday 8-26: Journal #1 On Amir’s trip back to Afghanistan, he stays at the home of his driver, Farid. Upon leaving he remarks: “Earlier that morning, when I was certain no one was looking, I did something I had done twenty-six years earlier: I planted a fistful of crumpled money under the mattress.” Why is this moment so important in Amir’s journey? Have you ever had a time in your life where you “paid it forward?” Explain that situation and the similarities/differences that you had with Amir and Hassan and their relationship together. Answer the prompt above using 2 pieces of textual evidence to support your response. Be concise in your answer; respond to all points of the prompt accordingly. 1 whole page! Thursday 8-27: Group Reading Questions and study! Friday 8-28: Review The Joy Luck Club
Week 2Monday 8-31: Review The Joy Luck Club
Tuesday 9-1: Journal #2 As you reflect on The Kite Runner and all of Amir’s experiences throughout the novel, we draw some conclusions about the text and how different experiences in our own lives affect us. How has Amir’s journey been shaped by his selfish tendencies? In what ways could the story have changed if Amir had been an upstanding son and friend to Baba and Hassan, respectively? What difference would it have made, if any, if Amir had been honest with himself and others? Is the ending happy? Why or why not? Reflect on the text and identify situations in your own personal lives where honesty would have made a difference and relate it to how you think you might be similar to or different than Amir in his journey. 1 whole page! Wednesday 9-2: Review notes from The Renaissance Prezi presentation Thursday 9-3: Complete Enter Players Handout for pre-reading exercise of "Hamlet" Friday 9-4: Copy vocabulary terms and definitions into class notebook. Then, honors students will choose 10 vocabulary terms that they understand well and create a short story using those 10 vocabulary terms appropriately. Academic students will complete the same assignment choosing 5 vocabulary terms instead of 10. |
Week 3Monday 9-7: Labor Day-no school!
Tuesday 9-8: Journal #3: How common do you believe the act of revenge is in everyday life? Write about specific incidents, including any in which you were involved or have witnessed. In your own opinion, was the act of revenge justified? If it was, why? What role does revenge play in high school “drama” that ensues every day? Explain, explaining an incident that happened to you or a friend. Wednesday 9-9: Finish reading Act I Scene i and ii; Annotate and complete question #1 from "Hamlet" Guided Reading Questions Thursday 9-10: Finish reading Act I Scene ii of "Hamlet" and annotate; answer questions 1-9 on More Guided Reading Questions- Hamlet handout Friday 9-11: Read and annotate Act I Scene iii of "Hamlet"; respond to Journal #4: Reflect on Act I Scene i of “Hamlet” where the guards and Horatio encounter the ghost of the late King Hamlet. As they encounter the ghost, we recognize that ghosts in Renaissance times were considered to be bad omens. Have you or anyone you have known ever seen or claimed to have witnessed some kind of supernatural being? Do you believe that they are bad omens like the players in “Hamlet” believe? Explain the circumstances surrounding the event. Do you believe in the supernatural? Explain. One whole page. |
Week 4Monday 9-14: Read and annotate Act I Scene iv of "Hamlet"; Complete Active Reading- Act I Worksheet; Respond to Guided Reading Questions Packet
Tuesday 9-15: (Honors) Read and annotate Act I Scene iv of "Hamlet"; (Academic) Read and annotate Act I Scene iii of "Hamlet"; Respond to Journal #5: What is the relationship of Polonius and Claudius? What is the relationship of Hamlet and Polonius? How does Laertes feel about Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship? Explain Polonius’s feelings about Ophelia’s relationship with Hamlet and reasons behind those feelings. Include Laertes and his feelings as well to strengthen the reasoning and response. Do you think that their feelings are justified? Have you ever had anyone close to you not approve of a relationship that you were in? Or perhaps, a friendship? Cite three specific examples from the text. One whole page. Wednesday 9-16: Reflect on Act I Scene iii where Polonius gives Laertes advice before he returns to college in France. Create a list of 10 pieces of advice that you would give Laertes, a college student, before he goes back to school. Then, using the letter format we learned in class today, compose a letter to Laertes from you including the 10 pieces of advice you brainstormed. The letter should be typed! Thursday 9-17: Read and annotate Act I Scene iv; answer questions in Guided Reading packet; Compose a graphic organizer of advice Polonius gives to Ophelia; Respond to Journal #6: In Act I Scene iii of "Hamlet," Polonius give Laertes a great deal of "fatherly advice" about how to live his life. Look at this section and find advice you have heard from your own parents. How valuable is this advice? How have you used it? Are there any similarities between the advice Polonius gives to that from your parents? Have you been involved in any situation to which this advice was applicable? One whole page. Friday 9-18: Read and annotate Act I Scene v; Study for a quiz on Tuesday about all of Act I. Review any notes from class, important quotes identified from the text, any work from the board that we created together, Guided Reading questions, and any of your own notes. |
Week 5Monday 9-21: Study! Review for Act I quiz tomorrow!
Tuesday 9-22: Read and annotate Act II Scene i of "Hamlet"; Answer guide reading questions;Study! Review for Act I vocab quiz tomorrow! Journal #7: Reflect on Act I of "Hamlet." Have you ever felt like you had been going through a dark, hard time and finally there was an opportunity for you to redeem yourself, just like Hamlet? Compare and contrast yourself to Hamlet and his situation with your own. How do you think that Hamlet is feeling at this point in the play? Explain using specific examples from the text. Wednesday 9-23: Pretend that you are Hamlet's friend. What advice would you give him about his relationship with Ophelia? Prepare it in a text message conversation with 5 back-and-forths. Complete this in your notebook. Thursday 9-24: Read and annotate Act II Scene ii of "Hamlet"; complete the guided reading questions. Friday 9-25:
Week 6Monday 9-28: Read and annotate Act II Scene ii of "Hamlet"; compare and contrast Tennant and Branaugh in Act II Scene ii of "Hamlet" and see how they anticipate the emotional rollercoaster that Hamlet rides
Tuesday 9-29: Finish reading and annotating Act II Scene ii of "Hamlet"; Respond to Journal #8: In your notebook, address the issue of Hamlet’s emotional stability. Does Hamlet start to lose credibility and rational thinking? Why or why not? Do you think that he is a believable crazy? Explain your rationale and use supporting textual evidence to support your claim. Must be at least one page! Wednesday 9-30: Read and annotate Act II Scene ii; answer guided reading questions Thursday 10-01: Complete Active Reading worksheet with all of the secret plots and schemes from Act II and the result that they are trying to achieve. Friday 10-02: Study! Quiz on Act II on Monday! |
Week 7 Monday 10-05: Read and annotate Act III Scene i; Respond to guided reading questions
Tuesday 10-06: Read Act III Scene ii and annotate; answer guided reading questions; Respond to Blog Post about Ophelia and Hamlet's behavior on your class period page Wednesday 10-07: Read and annotate Act III Scene ii; Answer Guided Reading Questions. Thursday 10-08: Read and annotate Act III Scenes iii and iv; Answer guided reading questions; Respond to Journal #9: King Claudius states “Madness in great ones must not unwatched go.” (III.i) How is this true in any age? Who are the “great ones” in our society? What evidence can you find in recent news stories to support this statement? How do societies keep checks and balances on their “great ones?” At least one full page with 2 pieces of textual evidence included. Journal #10: Reflect on Act III Scenes iii & iv when Hamlet listens to Claudius praying and his conversation with Gertrude in her bedroom chamber. Why do you think that Hamlet is able to kill Polonius so easily after he has been so hesitant to kill Claudius while he is praying? What does this reveal about Hamlet's state of mind? Does this further indicate clarity of thinking or madness? At least 2 full pages and 5 pieces of textual evidence included. Friday 10-09: No school! Inservice Day! |
Week 8Monday 10-12: Finish reading and annotating Act III for a quiz on Friday! Journal collection for 1-10 tomorrow!
Tuesday 10-13: Complete Newscast Project for Thursday and study for Act III quiz on Friday! Wednesday 10-14: No class; PSAT testing- Complete Newscast Project for tomorrow and study for Act III quiz on Friday! Thursday 10-15: Study! Act III quiz on Friday! (including vocab) Friday 10-16: |
Week 9Monday 10-19: Start working on your Hamlet Playlist/Soliloquy project! Due Friday! Read and annotate Act IV Scene i of "Hamlet"
Tuesday 10-20: Work on your Hamlet Playlist/Soliloquy project! Due Friday! Read and annotate Act IV Scene ii of "Hamlet" Wednesday 10-21:Work on your Hamlet Playlist/Soliloquy project! Due Friday! Read and annotate Act IV Scene iii of "Hamlet" Thursday 10-22: Work on your Hamlet Playlist/Soliloquy project! Due Friday! Friday 10-23: Read and annotate Act IV Scenes i, ii, iii of "Hamlet" |
Second 9 Weeks of School (October 28 thru January 2)
Week 10 Monday 10-26: Read and annotate Act IV Scenes i, ii, iii; Guided Reading Questions
Tuesday 10-27: Read and annotate Act IV Scenes i, ii, iii; Guided Reading Questions Wednesday 10-28:Read and annotate Act IV Scenes i, ii, iii; Guided Reading Questions Thursday 10-29: Read and annotate Act IV Scenes i, ii, iii, iv; Guided Reading Questions; Complete body biography for Monday; Complete Journal #11: Does Claudius have redeeming qualities that Hamlet is ignoring? Is there some sense of honor in Claudius’s actions? Discuss what Shakespeare could have done differently in “Hamlet” to evoke sympathy for Claudius. One whole page with 3 pieces of textual evidence to support your claim. Friday 10-31: Read and annotate Act IV Scenes i, ii, iii, iv; Guided Reading Questions; Complete body biography for Monday! |
Week 11 Monday 11-2: Read and annotate Act IV Scenes i, ii, iii, iv; Guided Reading Questions; Complete group Body Biography for the end of Tuesday's class; Study! Quiz on Act IV on Friday!
Tuesday 11-3: Body Biography due tomorrow! Read and annotate Act IV Scene v; Guided Reading Questions; Study for quiz on Act IV Monday! Wednesday 11-4:Read and annotate Act IV Scene v; Guided Reading Questions; Study for quiz on Act IV Monday! Thursday 11-5: Read and annotate Act IV Scenes vi & vii; Guided Reading Questions; Study for quiz on Act IV Monday! Friday 11-6: Read the rest of Act IV'; Guided Reading Questions; Study for quiz on Act IV Monday; Journals 12 & 13: (12): Copy the information on the board about the various types of flowers that Ophelia distributes in Act IV Scene v of “Hamlet.” After you have recorded this information, write a one page summary and analysis of why you think she distributed these flowers to their respective recipients. (13): In Act I Hamlet states, “The Time is out of joint, O curséd spite,/ That ever I was born to set it right.” Do you think he succeeded in setting things right?” Why or why not? Use 3 pieces of textual evidence to support your claim. One page. |
Week 12
Monday 11-9: Read and annotate Act V of "Hamlet"; Guided Reading questions; Read Ophelia handout; Study! "Hamlet" unit exam next week!
Tuesday: 11-10: Study! "Hamlet" all vocab test on Monday; Unit exam on "Hamlet" next Tuesday! Watch 4 videos for Act V; Blog post on website; Breakdown worksheet on sequence of events in Act V; Journal 14: Hamlet is generally considered to be the hero of Shakespeare’s play, although the nature of his heroism has been a much-debated topic. Define your own standards of heroism. Then analyze Hamlet’s character according to your standards. Draw on his relationships with other people as well as his goals in life and the ways in which he accomplishes them to support your analysis. Draw your own conclusion about Hamlet’s status as a hero or non-hero. One whole page. 3 pieces of supporting evidence. Wednesday 11-11: Veterans Day; No School! Thursday 11-12: Complete group study guides; Study! Vocab test on all 5 acts on Monday! Study! Unit exam on Tuesday! Friday 11-13: Pick up your study guide from room 108! Study! Vocab test on all 5 acts on Monday! Study! Unit exam on Tuesday! Notecards for all Hamlet vocab due Monday! |
Week 13Monday 11-16: Study! Unit exam test on Hamlet on Tuesday!
Tuesday 11-17: No homework! :) Wednesday 11-18: Complete your e-portfolio for day 1; follow the presentation directions sent to your school e-mail; bring your laptop and charger to class tomorrow and Friday! Thursday 11-19: Complete your e-portfolio for day 2; follow the presentation directions sent to your school e-mail; Share your published URL of your e-portfolio on the OneDrive sent to your school e-mail; bring your laptop and charger to class tomorrow! Friday 11-20: Complete your e-portfolio for day 3; follow the presentation directions sent to your school e-mail; Share your published URL of your e-portfolio on the OneDrive sent to your school e-mail (this is for homework points!) Week 16 Monday 12-07: Finish any outstanding research; compose your rough draft for tomorrow
Tuesday 12-08: Compose 2nd draft of paper using mechanics and conventions as laid out in rubric; create Works Cited page Wednesday 12-09: Compose 3rd draft of paper; complete Peer Editing Checklist should be completed for another student and given back to that student for his/her own use Thursday 12-10: Make any final edits and compose final draft for thesis research paper for tomorrow; turn in all 6 documents for tomorrow: 1) outline 2) peer editing checklist 3) rough draft 4) 2nd draft 5) 3rd draft 6) final draft Friday 12-11: Finish e-portfolio assignments as found on your school e-mail; make sure that your school picture is uploaded to your e-portfolio; Continue working on your college research visual presentation Week 19Monday 01-04: Finish e-portfolio according to the rubric; Start preparing for the midterm next Tuesday 01-12; Complete Journal #15: What was the best gift that you received this Christmas? Who gave it to you? What was the best gift that you gave this Christmas? Tell me about the best day that you had over break and what made it so special. Talk about family traditions and things that you do over the holiday with family and friends. One whole page.
Tuesday 01-05: Wednesday 01-06: Thursday 01-07: Friday 01-08:
Week 14Monday 11-23: Start thinking of college and career research for the research project Tuesday 11-24: Start thinking of college and career research for the research project Wednesday 11-25: No School; Happy Thanksgiving! Thursday: 11-26:No School; Happy Thanksgiving! Friday 11-27: No School; Happy Thanksgiving! Week 17Monday 12-14: Finish visual element for tomorrow; college research data packet due tomorrow; practice for presentations!
Tuesday 12-15: Practice for presentations! Wednesday 12-16: Practice for presentations! Thursday 12-17: Practice for presentations! Friday 12-18: None :)
Week 20Monday 01-11: Study for midterm tomorrow!
Tuesday 01-12: Midterm today! Wednesday 01-13: none :) Thursday 01-14: none :) Friday 01-15: No School--Teacher In-Service! |
Week 15Monday 11-30: No School; Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday 12-01: Complete the KWL worksheet on either colleges OR careers; continue research Wednesday 12:02: Choose one school or career to base your thesis paper and research off of; continue researching information for college and career project! Thursday 12-03: Complete "How to Write a Good Thesis Statement" worksheet for tomorrow and compose your thesis statement for the college and career research paper! Friday 12-04: Complete outline using your thesis statement and fill in relevant supportive data; continue college and career research; e-mail Miss Skirtich your finalized thesis statement Week 18Monday 12-21: Last day of school!
Tuesday 12-22 to 01-02: No school; Christmas Vacation! Week 21 Monday 01-18: No School-- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
Tuesday 01-19: Webquest due tomorrow! Wednesday 01-20: Complete and sign goal contract; Finish Journal #16: Reflect on the first 9 weeks of this academic semester and how you have been succeeding or otherwise in your studies. How can you change the trajectory that you have created thus far in order to create positive change for the new 9 weeks? What kinds of things can you do differently in order to achieve your academic goals? One whole page. Thursday 01-21: Read 3 flash fiction stories ("The Shirt," "Litter," and "Claudia Who Found the F") for tomorrow and define in your own words what you think flash fiction is. Friday 01-22: Finish watching two videos (Khan Academy and and answer the corresponding questions on the worksheet (French Revolution Impact on English Literature); read and annotate worksheet on the relationship between French Revolution and Literature (Romanticism and Revolution)
3rd 9 weeks (January 19 thru March 23)
Week 22 |
Week 23 |
Week 24 |
Monday 01- 25: Complete flash fiction composition for tomorrow's class: After you are assigned one of the paintings from the French Revolution, write a brief flash fiction story about it. Keep it brief; no more than a 1,000 words. Make sure it follows the conventions for a flash fiction story and allows the reader to have a holistic sense of the story within the short context of the work. Be creative, innovative, and school appropriate. Print out your story and bring your computer charged to class!
Tuesday 01-26: none :) Wednesday 01-27: Glance through "Inferno" and make sense of rhyme scheme; review day 2 notes for a possible quiz tomorrow! Thursday 01-28: Review Day 2 notes for a possible quiz tomorrow! Friday 01-29: Finish taking notes on video ("Dante's Inferno-An Introduction") for a possible quiz on Monday! |
Monday 02-01: Finish reading Canto I and annotate; answer guided reading questions in packet
Tuesday 02-02: Read The Paris Review Canto I handout; Read Canto I: Lost in the Woods handout from The Divine Year of Mercy and respond with journal #17: As you reflect on Canto I, think about the following questions and answer them in a one page journal response: How many times have we become aware that we have drifted into sin by not being careful? And when we try to climb out of the wild valley into which our sin has led us, the beast of our sin comes to roar at us, making us afraid to even attempt the climb out. At one and the same time we want to grow in virtue, but we don’t want to give up our vice. As I finish reflecting on this opening Canto, I’m left with a question: how many times have I turned away from a guide sent to me by Heaven? I’m reminded of all the times when all around me seemed dark and unpleasant and I resisted, sure that this difficult path, this terrible suffering, could not be the true path. I ask God for the grace to trust him more firmly, confident that in His wisdom, even the suffering is bound up in His Mercy. Wednesday 02-03: Read and annotate Canto II and study for quiz tomorrow! Thursday 02-04: Ready and annotate Canto III for tomorrow; Answer Journal #18: Read the Divine Year of Mercy: Canto II link below and respond in your journal about a time in your life when you didn't feel worthy of something that happened to you, either good or bad. What was God calling you to do? How did it make you feel? Relate your feelings and emotions to Dante. One page long. Friday 02-05: Reflect on Canto IV and respond to the blog post on your class page; at least 5 sentences! Read and annotate Cantos III and IV. |
Monday 02-08: Read and annotate Cantos IV and V; answer guided reading questions; Read The Paris Review handout and write a one page reflection on it in Journal #19
Tuesday 02-09: Read and annotate Canto VI; answer guided reading questions, answer blog post on class page Wednesday 02-10: Read and annotate Canto VII; Read Divine Year of Mercy for Canto 7 and reflect in journal 20: What about the proper use of material goods? How does teach us to use goods properly? Reflect about your life and the people you encounter daily here at North or in your community who either abide by God's law on this subject or who defy it. One whole page. Thursday 02-11: Read and annotate Cantos VIII & IX; answer guided reading questions; come up with social media line and hashtag for each circle within the Incontinent section of sins (Circles 1-6) Friday 02-12: No School- Teacher Inservice Day! |
Week 25Monday 02-15: No School- Washington's Birthday
Tuesday 02-16: No school! Wednesday 02-17: No school! Thursday 02-18: Read and annotate Canto X; answer guided reading questions; come up with social media line and hashtag for each circle within the Incontinent section of sins (Circles 1-6) Friday 02-19: Read Canto XI and annotate; Respond to Journal #21 on the Divine Year of Mercy for Canto X link below; write a one-page reflection |
Week 26Monday 02-22: Read and annotate Cantos XI and XII; take notes (there will be a HW check tomorrow!); answer guided reading questions in Inferno Guided Reading questions packet
Tuesday 02-23: Finish map of Lower Hell; Read and annotate Cantos XII and XIII for tomorrow; answer guided reading questions Wednesday 02-24: Read and annotate Cantos XIII for tomorrow; Journal #22 based on a one page reflection of the Divine Year of Mercy for Canto XII and answer the following: It may be difficult to keep this concept in mind, given today’s penchant for heroes or antiheroes who succeed through violence. We see this type all the time on television and in movies. We Catholics, though, have a duty to let go of feelings of anger or revenge, dwelling instead on good things (Phil 4:8). As we continue our Lenten journey, how do we encounter violence against neighbor in our everyday lives? One whole page. Thursday 02-25: Read and annotate Cantos XIII and XIV; answer guided reading questions Friday 02-26:Read and annotate Cantos XIV, XV, XVI, XVII; finish creating graphic organizer that we started in class on Friday |
Week 27Monday 02-29: Read and annotate Cantos XIV through XVII for tomorrow; finish graphic organizer from Friday and create graphic organizer from page 142 in the text
Tuesday 03-01: Read and annotate Canto XVIII; answer guided reading questions in packet Wednesday 03-02: No school-Sophomore Retreat Thursday 03-04: Read and annotate Canto XIX; answer guided reading questions; respond to Divine Year of Mercy: Canto XVIII in Journal #23: Based on the sophomore retreat yesterday, reflect on the idea of chastity in your own life.The reflection states, "Dante’s diagnosis of human sin is unsparing in its intensity; he realizes that his own ambitions and desires could easily be put to evil use, and that only the grace of God prevents him from falling into the same sins." How does this apply to our own lives? How do our ambitions and desires turn into evil use? How does the Lenten season change that for you as a Catholic? One whole page. Friday 03-05: Read and annotate Cantos XIX & XX; answer guided reading questions |
Week 28Monday 03-07: Read and annotate canto XX; answer guided questions; create a Monsters in Hell graphic organizer of ALL the monsters we have encountered thus far in "Inferno"
Tuesday 03-08:Prepare for quiz on Circle 8 Bolgias 1 & 2 tomorrow! Wednesday 03-09: Journal #24 reflecting on Divine Year of Mercy: Canto XIX; As Dante and Virgil enter the 3rd bolgia of Circle 8, they encounter the simonists. These people were major contenders of sin during the time of Renaissance Italy, but we still see examples of simony in the contemporary church. Give a one page reflection and connection to the text explaining how simony is different than and similar to the contemporary church and the church during the Renaissance. Thursday 03-10: Friday 03-11: Week 31Monday 03-28: No School- Easter Break!
Tuesday 03-29: Dante's "Inferno" projects due on Monday 04-04 (baseball and softball students-projects are due upon return on Wednesday 03-30); Close read Canto XXXI for tomorrow! Wednesday 03-30: Close read Canto XXXII; finish "Inferno" project for Monday; answer guided reading questions Thursday 03-31: Close read Canto XXXIII; answer guided reading questions; finish "Inferno" project for Monday Friday 04-01: Close read Canto XXXIV; answer guided reading questions; finish "Inferno" project for Monday Week 34Monday 04-18: Upload your e-portfolio!
Tuesday 04-19: Finish annotating Chapter 1 of the SAT; prepare "Inferno" text for turn in tomorrow! Wednesday 04-20: Finish annotating Chapter 3 of the SAT for tomorrow! Thursday 04-21: Finish annotating Chapter 3; take the practice section 2 test of the SAT! Friday 04-22: Practice timing yourself with section 3-Writing over the weekend. (35 minutes) Week 37Monday 05-09: Finish Journal #25: After this brief SAT unit, reflect on your ability to answer and field various types of questions (e.g. passage-based responses, improving sentences, the heart of algebra) Gauging on how well (or not) you comprehend how to execute your strategies, how can you better prepare yourself as you attempt to take the SAT/ACT in the upcoming academic year? Which areas will you focus on as you improve your score each time you test? Give specific examples of how to achieve better, stronger scores. One whole page.
Tuesday 05-10: Finish taking notes on the Background of The Odyssey for tomorrow Wednesday 05-11: Finish Book 9 of The Odyssey; annotate; answer Chart on the back of the packet and guided reading questions 1-8 Thursday 05-12: Finish reading Book 10 of The Odyssey; annotate; answer guided reading questions 1-17 Friday 05-13: Finish reading Book 11 of The Odyssey; annotate; answer guided reading questions 1-18; respond to Journal #26: When Odysseus goes to The Underworld, he meets one of his men who died as well as his mother. He speaks with her and is distraught that she has died of grief waiting for him to return to Ithaca. He speaks to all of these shades and becomes quite overwhelmed and escapes on his ship. Thinking about all of the people who died of grief waiting for their husbands to return home, it becomes quite overwhelming with emotions. Is there a time in your life where you were so overwhelmed with emotions that you just ran away from your problems? How was your situation different than that of Odysseus? How did the grief affect you? One whole page. Week 40-Finals Week!Monday 05-30: No school- Memorial Day!
Tuesday 05-31: Submission of study guide on Friday, June 3; Study! Wednesday 06-01: Study! Thursday 06-02: Study! Friday 06-03: English 10: World Literature Final Exam! |
Week 29Monday 03-14: Read and annotate Canto XIX; create graphic organizer of Source of Hell's Waters
Tuesday 03-15: Close read Cantos XX, XXI (this means to take notes on each stanza--every 3 lines--and make sure your annotations are helpful!); answer guided reading questions Wednesday 03-16: Reread Cantos XXI and close read and annotate; illustrate Bolgia 4 for tomorrow! Thursday 03-17: Read and annotate Cantos XXII, XXIII; Respond to blog post on your period page! Friday 03-18: Close read Cantos XXIV, XXV; answer guided reading questions Week 32Monday 04-04: If you didn't finish reading "Inferno," finish for tomorrow; prepare for unit exam next Wednesday 4-13
Tuesday 04-05: Prepare for unit exam on "Inferno" next Wednesday 4-13; Academic classes-finish guided reading questions for Tuesday 04-06:Finish reading "Inferno" for tomorrow Wednesday 04-07: Finish reading "Inferno" for tomorrow; guided reading questions due Thursday 04-08: Complete guided reading questions packet for Wednesday! Friday 04-09: Study! Test on "Inferno" unit on wesbite! Week 35Monday 04-25: SAT practice- Writing and Language!
Tuesday 04-26: SAT practice- Reading Wednesday 04-27: SAT practice- Math section Thursday 04-28: Diocesan Teacher In-Service- No School! Friday 04-29: SAT practice- Reading section Week 38Monday 05-16: Finish reading Book 12; answer guided reading questions
Tuesday 05-17: Creative writing assignment due on Friday! Wednesday 05-18: Creative writing assignment due on Friday! Thursday 05-19: Creative writing assignment due on Friday! Friday 05-20: Start pulling together your resources for the final exam; Inferno texts due to Miss Skirtich by the end of next week
Week 41Monday 06-06: No homework!
Tuesday 06-07: No homework! Wednesday 06-08: Last Day of School! Have a great summer! |
Week 30Monday 03-21: Close read and annotate Cantos XXVI, XXVII for tomorrow; answer guided reading questions
Tuesday 03-22: Read and annotate Canto XXVIII for tomorrow! Wednesday 03-23: Thursday 03-24: No School- Easter Break! Friday 03-25: No School- Easter Break! Week 33Monday 04-11: Study! Test on Wednesday! Guided reading packet due Wednesday
Tuesday 04-12: Study! Test tomorrow! Guided reading packet due tomorrow! Wednesday 04-13: Finish e-portfolio for Monday! Thursday 04-14: Finish e-portfolio for Monday! Friday 04-15: Finish e-portfolio for Monday! Use the rubric for full credit Week 36Monday 05-02: Read Chapter 4: The Reading section
Tuesday 05-03: Read Chapter 5: The Writing section Wednesday 05-04: SAT practice- The Essay; Review SAT Unit notes! Thursday 05-05: Friday 05-06: Bishop's Day- No School!
Week 39Monday 05-23: Start gathering materials for study guide for final exams!
Tuesday 05-24: Start creating study guide for final exam; due on June 3! Wednesday 05-25: Respond to Journal #27: As you reflect on the past 38 weeks of school, you have learned a lot about the Renaissance, Greek culture, the college and career research process, the GOAL setting process, SAT strategies, among many other subject. Preparing for the upcoming finals will test your stamina, focus, perseverance, and grit. How will you prepare for this course’s final exam? What kind of specific strategies will you employ to ensure the best outcome possible (i.e. passing your exams?) How will your other classes differ in your means of preparation? Give at least 3 specific examples of what you will do to prepare accordingly. At least one whole page.; Create study guide- completion check on Tuesday, May 31; Submission on Friday, June 3 Thursday 05-26: Create study guide- completion check on Tuesday, May 31; Submission on Friday, June 3 Friday 05-27: Create study guide- completion check on Tuesday, May 31; Submission on Friday, June 3