"Communication- the human connection- is the key to personal and career success." --Paul J. Meyer
First Quarter: August 27-October 30
Week 1Monday 09-26: No School
Tuesday 09-27: First Day of School! (Red) Get class supplies on list; read and sign syllabus; letter to Miss Skirtich due on Thursday Wednesday 09-28: First Day of School (White) Get class supplies on list; read and sign syllabus; letter to Miss Skirtich due on Friday Thursday 09-29: (Red) Prepare presentation on speech anxiety with group for Tuesday Friday 09-30: (White) Prepare presentation on speech anxiety with group for Tuesday |
Week 2Monday 09-02: No School- Happy Labor Day!
Tuesday 09-03: (Red) Read and annotate “Overcoming Speech Anxiety” worksheet and fill out “Defeating Speech Anxiety Worksheet”; sign up for Google Classroom and Remind by Thursday (@eskirtichr) Wednesday 09-04: (White) Read and annotate “Overcoming Speech Anxiety” worksheet and fill out “Defeating Speech Anxiety Worksheet”; sign up for Google Classroom and Remind by Friday (@eskirtichw) Thursday 09-05: (Red) Finish brainstorming the different types of messages from Communications Theory PPT; sign up for Remind; Respond to Journal #1: Choose one of the following prompts and respond with a one page reflection: 1) Reflect on your group presentation from Tuesday. What did you like about? Do you think that it went well? What would you have done differently? Explain. 2) Who is the most influential/important person in your life? Why? What impact does he or she have on your life? 3) What do you like to do outside of school for fun? What fills your time? Explain. Friday 09-06: (White) Finish brainstorming the different types of messages from Communications Theory PPT; sign up for Remind; Respond to Journal #1: Choose one of the following prompts and respond with a one page reflection: 1) Reflect on your group presentation from Tuesday. What did you like about? Do you think that it went well? What would you have done differently? Explain. 2) Who is the most influential/important person in your life? Why? What impact does he or she have on your life? 3) What do you like to do outside of school for fun? What fills your time? Explain. |
Week 3Monday 09-09: Create outline for Wednesday on Adult Persuasion speech on Friday; use outline to guide your work; remember: the speech is only 3 minutes long and doesn't require a visual aid!
Tuesday 09-10: Create outline for Wednesday on Adult Persuasion speech on Friday; use outline to guide your work; remember: the speech is only 3 minutes long and doesn't require a visual aid! Wednesday 09-11: Prepare speech for Friday; remember: the speech is only 3 minutes long and doesn't require a visual aid! Use the rubric as your guide Thursday 09-12: Prepare speech for Friday; remember: the speech is only 3 minutes long and doesn't require a visual aid! Use the rubric as your guide Friday 09-13: Read and annotate PUNCH article and worksheet; respond to Journal #2: Reflecting on your speech you gave in class today, what would you have done differently in preparing for it? What would you change? What do you think went well? Was the format of your speech effective? Was your audience impacted? Why or why not? Explain. At least one whole page. |
Week 4Monday 09-16: Read and annotate PUNCH article and worksheet; respond to Journal #2: Reflecting on your speech you gave in class today, what would you have done differently in preparing for it? What would you change? What do you think went well? Was the format of your speech effective? Was your audience impacted? Why or why not? Explain. At least one whole page.
Tuesday 09-17: Compose an appropriate email to Miss Skirtich telling her your favorite food and candy; Respond to Journal #3: Following the appropriate letter writing format, composing a one page letter to anyone of your choosing. There is an example in the buttons below. At least one whole page. Wednesday 09-18: Compose an appropriate email to Miss Skirtich telling her your favorite food and candy; Respond to Journal #3: Following the appropriate letter writing format, composing a one page letter to anyone of your choosing. There is an example in the buttons below. At least one whole page. Thursday 09-19: Respond to Journal #4: Reflecting on the discussion you had during class today, why do you think it is so difficult to have real, reasonable, productive discussions? What are some of the factors that come into play when people engage in a discussion about a topic that they don’t agree with? How do they handle that conflict in way that hinders the conversation from being productive? Explain citing specific examples from your own group discussion. What was the dynamic like amongst the group members? Who were the feisty ones? Who were the complacent ones? Which members were reluctant to get involved? Which ones were eager to disagree? How did the specific individuals in your group make or break your productive discussion? Explain for at least one whole page. Friday 09-20: Respond to Journal #4: Reflecting on the discussion you had during class today, why do you think it is so difficult to have real, reasonable, productive discussions? What are some of the factors that come into play when people engage in a discussion about a topic that they don’t agree with? How do they handle that conflict in way that hinders the conversation from being productive? Explain citing specific examples from your own group discussion. What was the dynamic like amongst the group members? Who were the feisty ones? Who were the complacent ones? Which members were reluctant to get involved? Which ones were eager to disagree? How did the specific individuals in your group make or break your productive discussion? Explain for at least one whole page. |
Week 5Monday 09-23: Complete Unit #1 Vocab in notebook AND notecards or Quizlet (YOU MUST HAVE BOTH FOR FULL POINTS!); Study! Quiz on Unit #1 Vocab on Friday! Respond to Journal #5: Is it ever okay to lie? Why or why not? If yes, what are the circumstances in which it would be permissible? Do certain conditions apply? What are they? Do you believe that influencers and bloggers lie to their audiences to make a point? What does that mean to society as a whole? Why do they feel like they can’t be truthful and still hold a position of influence? Use specific examples and cite your reasoning. Explain. At least one whole page.
Tuesday 09-24: Complete Unit #1 Vocab in notebook AND notecards or Quizlet (YOU MUST HAVE BOTH FOR FULL POINTS!); Study! Quiz on Unit #1 Vocab on Monday! Respond to Journal #5: Is it ever okay to lie? Why or why not? If yes, what are the circumstances in which it would be permissible? Do certain conditions apply? What are they? Do you believe that influencers and bloggers lie to their audiences to make a point? What does that mean to society as a whole? Why do they feel like they can’t be truthful and still hold a position of influence? Use specific examples and cite your reasoning. Explain. At least one whole page. Wednesday 09-25: Complete brainstorming for Persuasion Speech #2 using 3 Elements of Rhetoric- Ethos Logos and Pathos; Persuasion Speech #2 on Tuesday 10-01 (Red); Study for Unit #1 Vocab quiz on Friday! Thursday 09-26: Complete brainstorming for Persuasion Speech #2 using 3 Elements of Rhetoric- Ethos Logos and Pathos; Persuasion Speech #2 on Wednesday (White); Study for Unit #1 Vocab quiz on Monday! Friday 09-27: Following the Persuasive Speech Guidelines worksheet, create an outline for your Persuasive Speech #2 for Tuesday (See outline example button below!) Practice speech for Tuesday! |
Week 6Monday 09-30: Following the Persuasive Speech Guidelines worksheet, create an outline for your Persuasive Speech #2 for Tuesday (See outline example button underneath Week 5!) Practice speech for Wednesday!
Tuesday 10-01: Get parent signature on Naviance worksheet; complete SMART goal worksheet for Mr. Kelm; take notes on Eye Contact PPT for Thursday! Wednesday 10-02: Get parent signature on Naviance worksheet; complete SMART goal worksheet for Mr. Kelm; take notes on Eye Contact PPT for Friday! Thursday 10-03: Take notes on Eye Contact PPT in notebook; Complete peer evaluations from persuasive speech #2 and submit them CONFIDENTIALLY to Miss Skirtich; respond to Journal #6: After reflecting on your presentation on the 2nd persuasion speech, what do you feel you did better in this second individual speech than the first adult persuasion speech? How did you prepare differently for this speech than the other ones? What preparation helped you more this time that other times? What would you have done differently to make the speech even smoother for next time? How was this speech different than the other speeches for you? Consider the size of your audience, the fact that you have presented this type of speech before, and your other preparations. At least one whole page. Friday 10-04: Take notes on Eye Contact PPT in notebook; Complete peer evaluations from persuasive speech #2 and submit them CONFIDENTIALLY to Miss Skirtich; respond to Journal #6: After reflecting on your presentation on the 2nd persuasion speech, what do you feel you did better in this second individual speech than the first adult persuasion speech? How did you prepare differently for this speech than the other ones? What preparation helped you more this time that other times? What would you have done differently to make the speech even smoother for next time? How was this speech different than the other speeches for you? Consider the size of your audience, the fact that you have presented this type of speech before, and your other preparations. At least one whole page. |
Week 7Monday 10-07: Copy Unit #2 Vocab terms and definitions in notebooks AND on notecards/Quizlet for Wednesday; Quiz on Unit #2 Vocab on Wednesday 10-16; write a one page short story using 5 vocab terms correctly (highlight all vocab terms used and upload to Google Classroom using the title "Your Last Name-Unit #2 Vocab Story")- due Friday 10-11; turn in signed Naviance goal sheet with parent signature ASAP!
Tuesday 10-08: Copy Unit #2 Vocab terms and definitions in notebooks AND on notecards/Quizlet for Thursday; Quiz on Unit #2 Vocab on Thursday 10-17; write a one page short story using 5 vocab terms correctly (highlight all vocab terms used and upload to Google Classroom using the title "Your Last Name-Unit #2 Vocab Story")- due Tuesday 10-15; turn in signed Naviance goal sheet with parent signature ASAP! Wednesday 10-09: Study! Quiz on Unit #2 Vocab on Wednesday; prepare Persuasive Speech #2 with body language for Tuesday! Write a one page short story using 5 vocab terms correctly (highlight all vocab terms used and upload to Google Classroom using the title "Your Last Name-Unit #2 Vocab Story")- due Tuesday 10-15; turn in signed Naviance goal sheet with parent signature ASAP! Thursday 10-10: Study! Quiz on Unit #2 Vocab on Wednesday; prepare Persuasive Speech #2 with body language for Thursday! Write a one page short story using 5 vocab terms correctly (highlight all vocab terms used and upload to Google Classroom using the title "Your Last Name-Unit #2 Vocab Story")- due Tuesday 10-15; turn in signed Naviance goal sheet with parent signature ASAP! Friday 10-11: Choose any 4 images from Body Language Images button below and fill out Body Language Images worksheet for Wednesday; Study! Quiz on Unit #2 Vocab on Wednesday 10-16; prepare 2nd persuasive speech for prepare Persuasive Speech #2 with body language for Tuesday; take notes on the rest of Body Language PPT in notebook for Wednesday! |
Week 8Monday 10-14: Teacher Inservice- No School!
Tuesday 10-15: Choose any 4 images from Body Language Images button below and fill out Body Language Images worksheet for Wednesday; Study! Quiz on Unit #2 Vocab on Wednesday 10-16; prepare 2nd persuasive speech for prepare Persuasive Speech #2 with body language for Tuesday; take notes on the rest of Body Language PPT in notebook for Wednesday! Wednesday 10-16: Parent signature on Naviance worksheet; complete peer evaluation on group members for Persuasive Speech #2; Journal #7: Reflecting on the Persuasive Speech #2.. again, what about body language changed the speeches that were presented? What did you notice about yourself when you engaged in sustained eye contact, effective hand gestures, posture, and body language? Was it comfortable for you to do in front of the room? Or, did you find it uncomfortable? Explain. At least one page. Thursday 10-17: Parent signature on Naviance worksheet; complete peer evaluation on group members for Persuasive Speech #2; Journal #7: Reflecting on the Persuasive Speech #2.. again, what about body language changed the speeches that were presented? What did you notice about yourself when you engaged in sustained eye contact, effective hand gestures, posture, and body language? Was it comfortable for you to do in front of the room? Or, did you find it uncomfortable? Explain. At least one page. Friday 10-18: Read and annotate "Use Vocal Variety Like a Pro" and highlight and take notes on the article; Answer the questions on "Use Vocal Variety Like a Pro" Reflection; Use the emotions worksheet and create a Google Slideshow with images of yourself or another person displaying each of these emotions- label this document "Your Last Name- Emotions Image Slideshow" and upload to Google Classroom (DUE BY THE END OF THE PERIOD FOR A GRADE!) |
Week 9Monday 10-21: Read and annotate "Use Vocal Variety Like a Pro" and highlight and take notes on the article; Answer the questions on "Use Vocal Variety Like a Pro" Reflection; Use the emotions worksheet and create a Google Slideshow with images of yourself or another person displaying each of these emotions- label this document "Your Last Name- Emotions Image Slideshow" and upload to Google Classroom
Tuesday 10-22: After practicing the two passages about "Nobel Prize" and "Reginald's New Diet," read the Constructive Criticism feedback that your parter gave you from class. Then, create a new recording and upload it here. Make sure to use effective pauses and VPPT! Wednesday 10-23: After practicing the two passages about "Nobel Prize" and "Reginald's New Diet," read the Constructive Criticism feedback that your parter gave you from class. Then, create a new recording and upload it on Google Classroom. Make sure to use effective pauses and VPPT! Thursday 10-24: Pick your own tongue twister from the website linked below or any other one you like and record an audio file and upload to Google Classroom with your own perfected tongue-twister; Complete Unit #2 Vocab in notebook and notecards/Quizlet; After listening to your recorded audio file from homework, complete Journal #8 and reflect on how well you implemented the ideas of VPPT, pausing, and enunciation into your recording or the areas in which you lacked. Which of these elements is easiest to implement? Why? Which of these elements is hardest to implement? Why? Which of these elements do you think you are the best at, and which one do you struggle with the most personally? Explain. At least one whole page. Friday 10-25: Pick your own tongue twister from the website linked below or any other one you like and record an audio file and upload to Google Classroom with your own perfected tongue-twister; Complete Unit #2 Vocab in notebook and notecards/Quizlet; After listening to your recorded audio file from homework, complete Journal #8 and reflect on how well you implemented the ideas of VPPT, pausing, and enunciation into your recording or the areas in which you lacked. Which of these elements is easiest to implement? Why? Which of these elements is hardest to implement? Why? Which of these elements do you think you are the best at, and which one do you struggle with the most personally? Explain. At least one whole page. |
Second Quarter: October 31- January 17
Week 10Monday 10-28: This quarterly speech MUST be recorded by Friday, November 1 by 6pm. All speeches will be recorded and uploaded here to Google Classroom along with your outline and transcript of your speech. In total, you should upload 3 documents here for me to grade. Good luck! :)
Tuesday 10-29: This quarterly speech MUST be recorded by Friday, November 1 by 6pm. All speeches will be recorded and uploaded here to Google Classroom along with your outline and transcript of your speech. In total, you should upload 3 documents here for me to grade. Good luck! :) Wednesday 10-30: This quarterly speech MUST be recorded by Friday, November 1 by 6pm. All speeches will be recorded and uploaded here to Google Classroom along with your outline and transcript of your speech. In total, you should upload 3 documents here for me to grade. Good luck! :) Thursday 10-31: This quarterly speech MUST be recorded by Friday, November 1 by 6pm. All speeches will be recorded and uploaded here to Google Classroom along with your outline and transcript of your speech. In total, you should upload 3 documents here for me to grade. Good luck! :) Friday 11-01: No School- Parent-Teacher Conferences! |
Week 11 Monday 11-04: Respond to Journal #9: Finish this sentence and enter a whole page journal entry: "The best part of my 3-day Halloween weekend was..." At least one whole page. Create Unit #1 study guide for test on Wednesday 11-06 (Red) and Thursday 11-07 (White); study guide due on test day! Quiz on Unit #3 vocab on Friday 11-08 (Red) and Tuesday 11-12 (White)
Tuesday 11-05: Respond to Journal #9: Finish this sentence and enter a whole page journal entry: "The best part of my 3-day Halloween weekend was..." At least one whole page. Create Unit #1 study guide for test on Wednesday 11-06 (Red) and Thursday 11-07 (White); study guide due on test day! Quiz on Unit #3 vocab on Friday 11-08 (Red) and Tuesday 11-12 (White) Wednesday 11-06: Study! Quiz on Unit #3 vocab on Friday 11-08 (Red) Thursday 11-07: Study! Quiz on Unit #3 vocab on Tuesday 11-12 (White) Friday 11-08: Journal #10: Reflecting on the technical writing task using directions from today's class, explain what made following the directions so difficult. Where did the directions take you? Did they work? If not, tell me why. How did you have to structure those directions to make sure that the person went to the right place? Why is technical writing so difficult to write? At least one whole page. |
Week 12Monday 11-11: No School- Inservice!
Tuesday 11-12: Journal #10: Reflecting on the technical writing task using directions from today's class, explain what made following the directions so difficult. Where did the directions take you? Did they work? If not, tell me why. How did you have to structure those directions to make sure that the person went to the right place? Why is technical writing so difficult to write? At least one whole page. Wednesday 11-13: Finish writing Journal #11 (What is your favorite/least favorite thing about winter?); Complete Unit #4 vocab in both notebook AND notecards/Quizlet; Complete Analyzing Technical Descriptions Worksheet with your partner based on your assigned instructions from class; Submit topic approval to Miss Skirtich on Google Forms using the link below Thursday 11-14: Finish writing Journal #11 (What is your favorite/least favorite thing about winter?); Complete Unit #4 vocab in both notebook AND notecards/Quizlet; Complete Analyzing Technical Descriptions Worksheet with your partner based on your assigned instructions from class; Submit topic approval to Miss Skirtich on Google Forms using the link below Friday 11-15: Students will complete Unit #4 Vocab Short Story by the end of the period using at least 5 vocab terms (at least one whole page); Students will then brainstorm for their speech and outlines for their technical writing presentation and submit to Google Classroom due by the end of class (make sure to get approval from Miss Skirtich first!) |
Week 13Monday 11-18: Students will complete Unit #4 Vocab Short Story by the end of the period using at least 5 vocab terms (at least one whole page); Students will then brainstorm for their speech and outlines for their technical writing presentation and submit to Google Classroom due by the end of class (make sure to get approval from Miss Skirtich first!)
Tuesday 11-19: Prepare demonstration speech/technical writing presentation to present next class (Thursday 11-21); use the presentation rubric and guidelines below to help you prepare for your in-class presentation or at home video presentation Wednesday 11-20: Prepare demonstration speech/technical writing presentation to present next class (Friday 11-22); use the presentation rubric and guidelines below to help you prepare for your in-class presentation or at home video presentation Thursday 11-21: Study for Unit #4 Vocab quiz on Monday 11-25! Friday 11-22: Study for Unit #4 Vocab quiz on Tuesday 11-26! |
Week 14Monday 11-25: None :)
Tuesday 11-26: None :) Wednesday 11-27: No School! Happy Thanksgiving! Thursday 11-28: No School! Happy Thanksgiving! Friday 11-29: No School! Happy Thanksgiving! |
Week 15Monday 12-02: No School! Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday 12-03: Finish taking notes on the Email Etiquette PDF (button below); organize your Freedom Area email inbox with labels for all of your classes; send Mis Skirtich a professional email using the appropriate salutation, formatting, closing, and edits learned from today's notes regarding something that you're looking forward to over break/the next few weeks of December/etc. (school appropriate, as always!) (Due on 12-05) Wednesday 12-04: Finish taking notes on the Email Etiquette PDF (button below); organize your Freedom Area email inbox with labels for all of your classes; send Mis Skirtich a professional email using the appropriate salutation, formatting, closing, and edits learned from today's notes (Due on 12-05) Thursday 12-05: Finish Unit #5 Vocab in notebooks AND notecards/Quizlet; complete Mission: Email assignment with your partner and CC Miss Skirtich with the final draft; study! Quiz on Unit #5 vocab on Thursday 12-12 (Red) Friday 12-06: Finish Unit #5 Vocab in notebooks AND notecards/Quizlet; complete Mission: Email assignment with your partner and CC Miss Skirtich with the final draft; study! Quiz on Unit #5 vocab on Friday 12-13 (White) |
Week 16Monday 12-09: Study! Quiz on Unit #5 Vocab on Wednesday! Compose one whole page short story using at least 5 vocab terms correctly. 12 pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced, and submitted to Google Classroom using the title "Your Last Name- Unit #5 Short Story" DUE TONIGHT BY MIDNIGHT; start brainstorming ideas for Business Etiquette pamphlet for next week!
Tuesday 12-10: Study! Quiz on Unit #5 Vocab on Thursday! Compose one whole page short story using at least 5 vocab terms correctly. 12 pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced, and submitted to Google Classroom using the title "Your Last Name- Unit #5 Short Story" due TONIGHT BY MIDNIGHT!; start brainstorming ideas for Business Etiquette pamphlet for next week! Wednesday 12-11: Complete Business Etiquette Prezi project for Friday; presentations on Friday in class! See rubric below for more information Thursday 12-12: Complete Business Etiquette Prezi project for Monday; presentations on Friday in class! See rubric below for more information Friday 12:13: Complete Journal #13 for Monday reflecting on the last presentation you gave and comparing it to the first one from back in August. At least one whole page. |
Week 17Monday 12-16: Complete Journal #13 for Monday reflecting on the last presentation you gave and comparing it to the first one from back in August. At least one whole page.
Tuesday 12-17: Complete résumé for the end of class today using the sample rubric and add your own QR code using the free QR code website linked in button below Wednesday 12-18: Complete résumé for the end of class today using the sample rubric and add your own QR code using the free QR code website linked in button below Thursday 12-19: Create online website on Google Sites using information from résumés in class; post link to Google Classroom when finished Friday 12-20: Create online website on Google Sites using information from résumés in class; post link to Google Classroom when finished |
Week 18Monday 12-23: No School! Winter Break!
Tuesday 12-24: No School! Winter Break! Wednesday 12-25: No School! Winter Break! Thursday 12-26: No School! Winter Break! Friday 12-27: No School! Winter Break! |
Third Quarter: January 18- March 25
Week 21Monday 01-20: No School! Happy MLK Day!
Tuesday 01-21: Study! Units 2-5 Exam on Thursday! Wednesday 01-22: Study! Units 2-5 Exam on Thursday! Thursday 01-23: Journal #15: In your own opinion, how does journalism impact people’s lives? What are some of the factors that can skew people’s opinions about current events and news from around the area? Give an example to explain your opinion, such as an event in the news that was skewed to appear one way or another to the audience. How was the story changed for that audience? What was its purpose? In your opinion, did it portray the event/happening accurately? Why or why not? Explain in one whole page. Friday 01-24: Journal #15: In your own opinion, how does journalism impact people’s lives? What are some of the factors that can skew people’s opinions about current events and news from around the area? Give an example to explain your opinion, such as an event in the news that was skewed to appear one way or another to the audience. How was the story changed for that audience? What was its purpose? In your opinion, did it portray the event/happening accurately? Why or why not? Explain in one whole page. |
Week 22Monday 01-27: Choose your own news story and complete the Anatomy of News Story using the title "Your Last Name- Anatomy of a News Story" and post to Google Classroom
Tuesday 01-28: Choose your own news story and complete the Anatomy of News Story using the title "Your Last Name- Anatomy of a News Story" and post to Google Classroom Wednesday 01-29: Study! Quiz on Unit #6 Vocab on Friday! Complete Naviance work with Mr. Kelm Thursday 01-30: Study! Quiz on Unit #6 Vocab on Monday! Complete Naviance work with Mr. Kelm Friday 01-31: none :) |
Week 23Monday 02-03: none :)
Tuesday 02-04: Create a Google Doc labeled "Your Last Name- Misleading Headlines" and answer these questions about each of the 5 news stories. MLA heading, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced. Upload to Google Classroom by the end of the block. Wednesday 02-05: Create a Google Doc labeled "Your Last Name- Misleading Headlines" and answer these questions about each of the 5 news stories. MLA heading, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced. Upload to Google Classroom by the end of the block. Thursday 02-06: Choose one of following News Articles below and create a Google Document labeled "Your Last Name- My 1st Amendment News Article" to answer the following questions: 1. What was the news story about? 2. Which part of the first amendment did it violate? 3. How was the issue handled by the school district/student/family/government? 4.Your opinion of the news article, questions you still have, and whether the rights were violated or not 5. Whether it has political bias, sensationalism, or objectivity. Upload to Google Classroom and label Your Last Name-My 1st Amendment News Story and submit by Thursday, February 6 (Red) and Friday, February 7 (White) Friday 02-07: No School! Snow Day! |
Week 24Monday 02-10: Choose one of following News Articles below and create a Google Document labeled "Your Last Name- My 1st Amendment News Article" to answer the following questions: 1. What was the news story about?
2. Which part of the first amendment did it violate? 3. How was the issue handled by the school district/student/family/government? 4.Your opinion of the news article, questions you still have, and whether the rights were violated or not 5. Whether it has political bias, sensationalism, or objectivity. Upload to Google Classroom and label Your Last Name-My 1st Amendment News Story and submit by Thursday, February 6 (Red) and Friday, February 7 (White)) Tuesday 02-11: Monday 02-10: After reading the FASD Print Media Policy and presenting it to the class with your partner, answer these Q & A questions and upload with the following title: "Your Last Name- FASD Print Media Q & A". Due by 02-13 (Red) Wednesday 02-12: Monday 02-10: After reading the FASD Print Media Policy and presenting it to the class with your partner, answer these Q & A questions and upload with the following title: "Your Last Name- FASD Print Media Q & A". Due by 02-18 (White) Thursday 02-13: Complete the Be the Curator assignment and prepare for presentation on Wednesday 02-19; use the Source Credibility Info to determine which sources are reliable in your presentation; complete BONUS OPPORTUNITY for Wednesday 02-18 due by 8am Friday 02-14: No School- Inservice Day! |
Week 25Monday 02-17: No School! President's Day!
Tuesday 02-18: Complete the Be the Curator assignment and prepare for presentation on Friday 02-21; use the Source Credibility Info to determine which sources are reliable in your presentation; complete BONUS OPPORTUNITY for Wednesday 02-18 due by 8am Wednesday 02-19: Complete the Be the Curator assignment and prepare for presentation on Friday 02-21; use the Source Credibility Info to determine which sources are reliable in your presentation Thursday 02-20: Complete the Be the Curator assignment and prepare for presentation on Friday 02-21; use the Source Credibility Info to determine which sources are reliable in your presentation Friday 02-21: Complete career interest survey by 3:00pm; Complete Journal #16: As you reflect on these news media sources and the curation process and presentations, which ones do you think you will rely upon for accurate, updated, holistic information? Which news sources do you think you'll stay away from now that you learned more about the news process? What news stories were you surprised at learning about and their information on the coverage of the news? Explain using your own research project as examples. At least one whole page. |
Week 26Monday 02-24: Complete career interest survey by 3:00pm; Complete Journal #16: As you reflect on these news media sources and the curation process and presentations, which ones do you think you will rely upon for accurate, updated, holistic information? Which news sources do you think you'll stay away from now that you learned more about the news process? What news stories were you surprised at learning about and their information on the coverage of the news? Explain using your own research project as examples. At least one whole page.
Tuesday 02-25: Complete Preparing for Your Infomercial packet and upload to the Sophomore Academy (class code: 54jlqch) by the end of the block Wednesday 02-26: Complete Preparing for Your Infomercial packet and upload to the Sophomore Academy (class code: 54jlqch) by the end of the block Thursday 02-27: Complete script for your infomercial and upload to the 10th grade project by the end of the block; start to film your infomercial; due by Wednesday, March 4 in Google Classroom! Friday 02-28: Complete script for your infomercial and upload to the 10th grade project by the end of the block; start to film your infomercial; due by Wednesday, March 4 in Google Classroom! |
Week 27Monday 03-02: Compose your infomercial and record using any of the following video programs: WeVideo, QuickTime, Screencastify, Video Editor, iMovie, CuteCutPro, Premier Plus, or any other program; infomercial must be recorded and uploaded to Google Classroom by class on Wednesday 03-04
Tuesday 03-03: Compose your infomercial and record using any of the following video programs: WeVideo, QuickTime, Screencastify, Video Editor, iMovie, CuteCutPro, Premier Plus, or any other program; infomercial must be recorded and uploaded to Google Classroom by class on Wednesday 03-04 Wednesday 03-04: Upload infomercial to Google Classroom link by midnight (12 am) tonight; perfect resumes and print out 5 hard copies and keep in folder in locker for 3-11; answer the 15 questions in the Interviewer packet for 3-10 (Red) and upload to Google Classroom Thursday 03-05: Perfect resumes and print out 5 hard copies and keep in folder in locker for 3-11; answer the 15 questions in the Interviewer packet for 3-09 (White) and upload to Google Classroom Friday 03-06: Perfect resumes and print out 5 hard copies and keep in folder in locker for 3-11; answer the 15 questions in the Interviewer packet for 3-10 (Red) and upload to Google Classroom |
Week 28Monday 03-09: Perfect resumes and print out 5 hard copies and keep in folder in locker for 3-11; answer the 15 questions in the Interviewer packet for 3-09 (White) and upload to Google Classroom by the end of the block
Tuesday 03-10: Perfect resumes and print out 5 hard copies and keep in folder in locker for 3-11; answer the 15 questions in the Interviewer packet for 3-10 (Red) and upload to Google Classroom by the end of the block Wednesday 03-11: SOPHOMORE PROJECT DAY! Good luck! :) Thursday 03-12: Complete Where News Comes From handout for Tuesday 03-17; Respond to Journal #17: Reflecting on your experience at the Sophomore Academy yesterday, identify the parts of the day/presentation that made you uncomfortable and feel nervous. Why do you think you felt that way? Explain those elements. Then, identify the parts of the day/presentation in which you felt prepared and confident. What were these areas? Explain in detail. Tell me what you enjoyed and what you disliked about the day. What are some changes or additions that could be made in order to make the day even better for all students participating. At least one whole page. Friday 03-13: No School! Inservice Day! |
Week 29Monday 03-16: No School- Mandated State Closure due to COVID-19
Tuesday 03-17: No School- Mandated State Closure due to COVID-19 Wednesday 03-18: No School- Mandated State Closure due to COVID-19 Thursday 03-19: No School- Mandated State Closure due to COVID-19 Friday 03-20: No School- Mandated State Closure due to COVID-19 |
Fourth Quarter: March 26- June 5
Week 30Monday 03-23: No School- Mandated State Closure due to COVID-19
Tuesday 03-24: No School- Mandated State Closure due to COVID-19 Wednesday 03-25: No School- Mandated State Closure due to COVID-19 Thursday 03-26: No School- Mandated State Closure due to COVID-19 Friday 03-27: No School- Mandated State Closure due to COVID-19 |
Week 31Monday 03-30: Complete Where News Comes From handout for Wednesday 03-18; Fill out parent consent form on Google Form link below by 04-03-20; Respond to Journal #17: Reflecting on your experience at the Sophomore Academy yesterday, identify the parts of the day/presentation that made you uncomfortable and feel nervous. Why do you think you felt that way? Explain those elements. Then, identify the parts of the day/presentation in which you felt prepared and confident. What were these areas? Explain in detail. Tell me what you enjoyed and what you disliked about the day. What are some changes or additions that could be made in order to make the day even better for all students participating. At least one whole page.
Tuesday 03-31: Submit news story topic proposal to Miss Skirtich on Google Forms by Thursday 04-02 Wednesday 04-01: Submit news story topic proposal to Miss Skirtich on Google Forms by Friday 04-03 Thursday 04-02: Read and take notes on Reporting and Interviewing PPT in notebook; Complete interview for news story by Monday! Friday 04-03: Read and take notes on Reporting and Interviewing PPT in notebook; Complete interview for news story by Tuesday! |
Week 32Monday 04-06: Complete package planner for Wednesday 04-09
Tuesday 04-07: Complete package planner for Thursday 04-10 Wednesday 04-08: Compose news story and submit to Google Classroom by Tuesday 4-14 Thursday 04-09: Compose news story and submit to Google Classroom by Wednesday 4-15 Friday 04-10: No School- Spring Break! |
Week 33Monday 04-13: No School-Spring Break!
Tuesday 04-14: Submit news story to Google Classroom by 3pm Wednesday 04-15: Submit news story to Google Classroom by 3pm Thursday 04-16: Complete Memory Game worksheet and post to Google Classroom for Monday 04-20 Friday 04-17: Complete Memory Game worksheet and post to Google Classroom for Tuesday 04-21 |
Week 34Monday 04-20: Listen to Serial: Episode 1 for class discussion on Wednesday 4-22
Tuesday 04-21: Listen to Serial: Episode 1 for class discussion on Thursday 4-23 Wednesday 04-22: Participate in class discussion for Episode 1 OR post answers to discussion questions to Google Classroom by Friday 4-24 Thursday 04-23: Participate in class discussion for Episode 1 OR post answers to discussion questions to Google Classroom by Monday 4-27 Friday 04-24: Listen to Serial: Episode 2 for class discussion on Tuesday 4-28 |
Week 35Monday 04-27: Listen to Serial: Episode 2 for class discussion on Wednesday 4-29
Tuesday 04-28: Complete Serial: Episode 2 Discussion Questions and submit to Google Classroom by Thursday 4-30 or participate in class Google Meet at 10am (Red Block 1), 12pm (Red Block 3), or 1pm (Red Block 4) Wednesday 04-29: Complete Serial: Episode 2 Discussion Questions and submit to Google Classroom by Friday 05-01 or participate in class Google Meet at 10am (White Block 1), 11am (White Block 3), or 1pm (White Block 4) Thursday 04-30: Listen to Episode 3 for Monday 05-04 and complete Comm Check-in form on Google Forms for Miss Skirtich Friday 05-01: Listen to Episode 3 for Tuesday 05-05 and complete Comm Check-in form on Google Forms for Miss Skirtich |
Week 36Monday 05-04: Complete Serial: Episode 3 Discussion Questions and submit to Google Classroom by Wednesday 05-06 or participate in class Google Meet at 10am (Red Block 1), 12pm (Red Block 3), or 1pm (Red Block 4)
Tuesday 05-05: Complete Serial: Episode 3 Discussion Questions and submit to Google Classroom by Thursday 05-07 or participate in class Google Meet at 10am (White Block 1), 11am (White Block 3), or 1pm (White Block 4) Wednesday 05-06: Listen to Episode 4 for Friday 05-08 and complete Comm Check-in form on Google Forms for Miss Skirtich (see your school email) Thursday 05-07: Listen to Episode 4 for Friday 05-09 and complete Comm Check-in form on Google Forms for Miss Skirtich (see your school email) Friday 05-08: Complete Serial: Episode 4 Discussion Questions and submit to Google Classroom by Tuesday 05-12 or participate in class Google Meet at 10am (Red Block 1), 12pm (Red Block 3), or 1pm (Red Block 4) |
Week 37Monday 05-11: Complete Serial: Episode 4 Discussion Questions and submit to Google Classroom by Wednesday 05-13 or participate in class Google Meet at 10am (White Block 1), 11am (White Block 3), or 1pm (White Block 4)
Tuesday 05-12: Listen to Episodes 5 & 6 for Thursday 05-14 Wednesday 05-13: Listen to Episodes 5 & 6 for Friday 05-15 Thursday 05-14: Complete Serial: Episodes 5 & 6 Discussion Questions and submit to Google Classroom by Monday 05-18 or participate in class Google Meet at 10am (Red Block 1), 12pm (Red Block 3), or 1pm (Red Block 4) Friday 05-15: Complete Serial: Episodes 5 ^ 6 Discussion Questions and submit to Google Classroom by Tuesday 05-19 or participate in class Google Meet at 10am (White Block 1), 11am (White Block 3), or 1pm (White Block 4) |
Week 38Monday 05-18: Listen to Episodes 7 & 8 for Wednesday 05-20
Tuesday 05-19: Listen to Episodes 7 & 8 for Thursday 05-21 Wednesday 05-20: Listen to Episodes 9 & 10 for Friday 05-22 Thursday 05-21: Listen to Episodes 9 & 10 for Tuesday 05-26 Friday 05-22: No School- Senior Graduation Project Day! |
Week 39Monday 05-25: No School- Happy Memorial Day!
Tuesday 05-26: Complete final assignment and any outstanding work by Monday 06-01 at 8:00 am Wednesday 05-27: Complete final assignment and any outstanding work by Monday 06-01 at 8:00 am Thursday 05-28: Complete final assignment and any outstanding work by Monday 06-01 at 8:00 am Friday 05-29: Complete final assignment and any outstanding work by Monday 06-01 at 8:00 am |
Week 40Monday 06-01: Final Google Meet with Miss Skirtich today at 10, 12, and 1 pm
Tuesday 06-02: Final Google Meet with Miss Skirtich today at 10, 11, and 1 pm Wednesday 06-03: none :) Thursday 06-04: none :) Friday 06-05: Last Day of School! Happy Summer! |