What's the Homework for English 10: World Literature?
Did you forget about the homework? Don't fret because you are in luck! This is the page to fulfill your homework dreams!
Week 1Monday 08-20: Read and sign syllabus and bring supplies in by Friday 8-24; Remind app sign0up and respectful e-mail to Miss Skirtich due by Thursday 8-23; Quiz on Out of the Silent Planet on Monday 8-27
Tuesday 08-21: No School for Sophomores :) Wednesday 08-22: Read and sign syllabus and bring supplies in by Friday 8-24; Remind app sign-up and respectful e-mail to Miss Skirtich due by Thursday 8-23; Quiz on Out of the Silent Planet on Monday 8-27 Thursday 08-23: Read and sign syllabus and bring supplies in by Friday 8-24; Quiz on Out of the Silent Planet on Monday 8-27 Friday 08-24: Study! Quiz on Out of the Silent Planet on Monday 8-27 |
Week 2Monday 08-28: Finish brainstorming about William Shakespeare in notebook on graphic organizer; find a phrase that William Shakespeare is credited with in modern day language (use this website to help you: http://www.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2014/04/45-phrases-coined-shakespeare-450th-birthday)
Tuesday 08-29: Review background notes; Bring a gallon-sized baggie and post-its for tomorrow Wednesday 08-30: Write down "Hamlet" vocabulary terms in notebook; create "Hamlet" notecards Thursday 08-31: Study! Quiz on Renaissance background notes on Tuesday and Act I vocab; Complete Journal #1 for tomorrow: How common do you believe that the act of revenge is in everyday life? Write about specific incidents, including any in which you were involved or witnessed. At least one whole page. Friday 09-01: Complete the Shakespeare pre-reading activity worksheet for Monday; write a one page fictional story using at least 5 vocabulary terms correctly from"Hamlet" (highlight each vocabulary term you use) |
Week 3Monday 09-04: No School- Labor Day!
Tuesday 09-05: Read and annotate Act I Scene i with post-it notes; answer GRQs #1-3 in notebook Wednesday 09-06: Read and annotate Act I Scene ii with post-it notes; answer GRQs #1-8 in notebook; work on Active Reading worksheet Thursday 09-07: Read and annotate Act I Scene iii with post-it notes; answer GRQs #1-6 in notebook; continue to fill in Active Reading worksheet: Answer Journal #2: Reflecting on Hamlet in Act I Scene ii, reflect on how you would feel if you came back from college and found similar circumstances as Hamlet's. How would you feel? What would you do? Who would you talk to about your feelings? Explain using specific examples. At least one whole page. Friday 09-08: Read and annotate Act I Scene iv with post-it notes; answer GRQs in notebook; continue to fill in Active Reading worksheet; Prepare a letter to a North Catholic freshman (real or imaginary) using advice that you have gleaned as a student here. Follow the proper format using the link below. Print it out and sign it! |
Week 4Monday 09-10: Re-read and annotate Act I Scene iv; complete GRQs for Act I Scene iv in notebook; Study for Quiz on Act I on Friday!
Tuesday 09-11: Read and annotate Act I Scene v with post-it notes; identify 5 elements of ambiguity and uncertainty in Act I (they are things that are unclear to the audience; ex: whether the ghost of King Hamlet is good or evil); Study! Quiz on Act I on Friday! Wednesday 09-12: Study! Quiz on Act I on Friday! Thursday 09-14: Study! Quiz on Act I tomorrow! Friday 09-15: Respond to Journal #3: Based on Hamlet's relationship with his mother, Claudius, and Horatio, do you think he will be successful in carrying out the wishes of his father's spirit? Why or why not? Use at least 2 pieces of textual evidence to support your claim. At least one whole page. |
Week 5Monday 09-18: Read and annotate Act II Scene i; answer GRQs; continue to fill out Active Reading worksheet with subplots of the characters; answer Journal #4: To what extent do parents have the right to “spy” or check up on their children? What circumstances might allow or prevent this? Have you ever spied on someone secretly? Was it for a good reason? What was the circumstance behind the spying? Do think that you will spy on your kids? At least two whole pages.
Tuesday 09-19: Read and annotate Act II Scene ii (to page 97); answer GRQs; continue to fill out Active Reading worksheet with subplots of the characters; read NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE for all of Act II Wednesday 09-20: Review the notes for appearance vs. reality; read the rest of Act II Scene ii; answer GRQs; read NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE for all of Act II Thursday 09-21: Review Hamlet's soliloquy for tomorrow!; Answer Journal #5: Characterize yourself as a "thinker" or a "doer." In this respect, what character in the play are you most like? How would you like to be different, or why do you like the way that you are (either "thinker" or "doer"?) Explain, and use an example of a situation in which you have acted either as a "thinker' or a "doer" to demonstrate those attributes. At least one whole page. Friday 09-22: Study! Quiz on Act II on Monday! Complete Act II GRQs for Monday; complete Worksheet Preparing for Act II for Monday! |
Week 6Monday 09-24: Finish Journal #6: Are you an indecisive person, or do you take action immediately when you are faced with a frustrating circumstance? Explain an incident in your life where you either sat and thought about something with more inaction or where you took action promptly because it needed to get done. Juxtapose (side by side compare and contrast) this circumstance with Hamlet's decision/indecision. At least one whole page.
Tuesday 09-25: Reread and annotate Act III Scene i; make at least 3 notes about Hamlet and Ophelia's troubled love affair from their conversation from Act III Scene i Wednesday 09-26: Read Act III Scene ii (pages 135-155); answer GRQs; Read NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE; find two pieces of textual evidence per body paragraph for tomorrow (quotes with citations); Complete Journal #7: Do Claudius and Polonius have the same reason for spying on Hamlet and Ophelia? How are their goals similar? How are they different? Use at least two pieces of textual evidence in your response. At least one whole page. Thursday 09-27: Prepare your rough draft in OneDrive for Monday Friday 09-28: No class- Scarlet & Gold Day! Prepare your rough draft in OneDrive for Monday |
Week 7Monday 10-1: Read the rest of Act III Scene ii with NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE; answer GRQs; peer edit your rough draft tomorrow and create 2nd draft PRINTED OUT for tomorrow!
Tuesday 10-2: Read the rest of Act III Scene iii; answer GRQs; prepare final draft for tomorrow with all 5 documents PRINTED OUT (outline, rough draft, peer edit checklist, 2nd draft, and final draft) Wednesday 10-3: read Act III Scene ii on NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE; continue to fill out the Act 3 Active Reading wkst for tomorrow; identify where Hamlet's sanity becomes insanity throughout the rest of the scene Thursday 10-04: Read and annotate Act III Scene ii; GRQs; Answer Journal #8: Were you surprised when Hamlet decided not to kill Claudius while he was praying? What holds Hamlet back? What is his rationale for not doing it? Is it a reasonable excuse for not pulling the trigger? Use Hamlet's mental state as part of your evidence. Explain using at least 2 pieces of textual evidence. At least one whole page. Friday 10-05: No School- Inservice! |
Week 8Monday 10-08: Read and annotate Act III Scene iv using post-its and NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE; GRQs; continue to fill out the Act 3 Active Ready wkst; prepare for Writing Prompt #1
Tuesday 10-09: Prepare notes for Writing Prompt for Thursday; Study for Quiz on Act III on Friday! Wednesday 10-10: No School- PSATs for underclassmen Thursday 10-11: Finish Writing Prompt by midnight tomorrow! Study! Quiz on Act III on Friday! Friday 10-12: Finish Writing Prompt and share with Miss Skirtich on OneDrive by midnight tonight; Read and annotate Act IV Scene i with post-it notes and NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE for Monday; answer Journal Prompt #12: Reflecting on Act IV Scene i when Gertrude rushes to Claudius to tell of Polonius's murder, do you consider this to be an act of loyalty to Claudius? Or, do you think that it is more significant as an act of disloyalty to Hamlet as his mother? Explain your feelings, using at least 2 pieces of textual evidence to support your response. Use in-text citations (Act.Scene.Lines). At least one whole page. |
Week 9 |
Week 10Monday 10-22: Revise and resubmit Hamlet Thesis Paper #1 for Wednesday; print it out and hand it the version
Tuesday 10-23: Complete Journal #15: Do you believe that Hamlet's attitude toward his task of revenge has changed in Act IV? Why or why not? Do you think that he will hurry up and take action, or continue to drag his feet? Explain with support. At least one whole page; Hamlet Thesis Paper #1 essay revisions due by tomorrow (print out new copy and hand in edited) Wednesday 10-24: Read and annotate V.i; answer GRQs; prepare Murder handout for tomorrow; Create your own character playlist for Monday 10-29 Thursday 10-25: Prepare "Hamlet" playlist project for Monday! Friday 10-26: Prepare "Hamlet" playlist project for Monday! |
Week 11Monday 10-29: Read and annotate Act V Scenes i; answer GRQs; Complete Journal #16: Reflect on the gravedigger in "Hamlet" Act V Scene i. Why do you think that this character is such a silly character? How does he use macabre humor and folly to make light of the situation? How does Hamlet make this situation darker? Explain using two pieces of textual evidence. At least one whole page.
Tuesday 10-30: Read and annotate Act V Scenes ii; GRQs all due tomorrow; unit exam on Monday and Tuesday! answer Journal #17: In Act I, Hamlet states, "The time is out of joint. O curséd spite,/ That ever I was born to set it right." Do you think he succeeded in setting things right? Why or why not? Also, why do you think Hamlet asks Horatio to tell his story? How does Horatio's role in Hamlet's life differ from that of the other characters in the play? Explain in a one page response. Wednesday 10-31: Complete body biography in your group for tomorrow's presentations! Study! Unit exam on Hamlet on Monday and Tuesday! Thursday 11-01: Create study guide for Hamlet for Monday; Study! Unit exam on Hamlet on Monday and Tuesday! Friday November 1: Create Hamlet study guide for Monday! Study! Unit exam on Hamlet on Monday (vocab, body biography, Renaissance Tragedy Plot Structure) and Tuesday (quotes from the text, themes, tone and foreshadowing, graphic organizers)!
Week 12Monday 11-05: Study! Park 2 of Hamlet unit exam is tomorrow!
Tuesday 11-06: none :) Wednesday 11-07: Review background notes to Dante's Inferno for quiz on Monday! Clean out Hamlet books for Monday! Complete Inferno Webquest for Tuesday! Thursday 11-08: Review background notes to Dante's Inferno for quiz on Monday! Clean out Hamlet books for Monday! Complete Inferno Webquest for Tuesday! Friday 11-09: No School! Teacher Inservice! |
Week 13Monday 11-12: Complete webquest and bonus opportunity for tomorrow!
Tuesday 11-13: Finish reading Canto I and annotate; answer guided reading questions 1-10; Respond to Journal #18: Reflect on Canto I and how Dante is lost his way from the True Way. Consider a time in your life where you have strayed from the path to God and how you came back to find Him again. Who helped you on your journey? Did anyone act like Virgil (a father-figure and guide) to you? How did you get back to God? You can be as general or as specific as you'd like. At least one whole page. Wednesday 11-14: Read and annotate Canto II for quiz on Cantos I & II for tomorrow; read and annotate Canto II; complete GRQs; read the David Bruce Study Guide! Thursday 11-15: Finish reading Canto III and annotate/review notes for tomorrow; GRQs; reflect on Journal #19: Reflecting on The Opportunists in the Vestibule of Hell, consider how these people didn't choose a side between good and evil. Reflect on a time when you decided to not choose a side between two people, whether they were friends or family. What was the situation? Explain in a one page article. Friday 11-16: No School- Snow Day! |
Week 14Monday 11-19: Read and annotate Canto III and ready the study guide; GRQs for Canto III; prepare for a quiz tomorrow!
Tuesday 11-20: Read and annotate Canto IV; GRQs up to #24; Journal #20: Reflecting on Canto IV and the sinners in Limbo, think about how Dante puts himself in the same group of some of the greatest writers of all time. Considering some of your own role models that you've had in the past, write about a time where you wanted to be like them and what about them made you aspire to be better in some way. Was it an athlete, musician, celebrity, priest, teacher, coach, sibling, or parent? Explain the circumstances and what the situation was for you. At least one whole page. Wednesday 11-21: No School- Happy Thanksgiving! Thursday 11-22: No School- Happy Thanksgiving! Friday 11-23: No School- Happy Thanksgiving! |
Week 15Monday 11-26: No School- Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday 11-27: Finish reading and annotating Canto V and the study guide; review for quiz on Canto IV tomorrow; answer GRQs Wednesday 11-28: Read and annotate Canto V; answer GRQs; respond to Journal #21: Reflecting on how Dante feels as he meets the two lustful sinners, Paola and Francesca, consider how they are not fully truthful to Dante about their story. Reflect on a time when someone was not 100% truthful with you, and discuss how it made you feel. Was there someone who helped you to know the truth, just like Virgil helps Dante? At least one who page. Thursday 11-29: Read and annotate Canto VI with post-it notes; GRQs; read the Study Guide and study Circle 3 for quiz tomorrow! Friday 11-30: Read and annotate Canto VII; respond to Journal #22: Reflecting on the sinners in Circle 3, the Gluttons, consider how they lacked a self control with food and drink. Do you think that this is a problem in modern day society? If so, explain in it either over-eating or under-eating, and how does it constitute as a sin? Use specific examples to defend your opinion. At least one whole page. |
Week 16Monday 12-03: Read and annotate Canto VIII for tomorrow; prepare Circle 4 and Circle 5 for quiz tomorrow
Tuesday 12-04: Read and annotate Cantos VIII, IX; answer GRQs; respond to writing prompt on Dante’s humanity by midnight tomorrow night! Wednesday 12-05: Complete Inferno Writing Prompt #1 by midnight! Create a OneDrive document and share it with Miss Skirtich & submit on TurnItIn.Com! Thursday 12-06: Read and annotate Cantos IX, X; answer GRQs; study for quiz on VIII, IX tomorrow Friday 12-07: Read and annotate Cantos XI, XII; answer GRQs; study for quiz on Canto X tomorrow; answer Journal #23: : Consider how our Advent journey is about to begin and reflect on how Dante has encountered the incontinent sins (lack of self-control) in the first 5 circles of Hell. How does this affect him? How does reflecting on these sins affect you as you prepare for Christ this Christmas? What are the things that you are going to work on yourself for this year? At least one page. |
Week 17Monday 12-10: Read and annotate Cantos XI, XII; GRQs; Journal #24: Start your journal with these words: A time in my life when someone acted like a father figure for me was when... Answer this one page journal for tomorrow.
Tuesday 12-11: Read and annotate Canto XIII; answer GRQs; study for quiz on Canto XII (Circle 7 Round 1) tomorrow; create a visual element for page 90 in book! BONUS OPPORTUNITY! Wednesday 12-12: Read and annotate Cantos XIII and XIV; answer GRQs; study for quiz on Circle 7 Rounds 1 & 2 tomorrow! Thursday 12-13: Read and annotate Cantos XIV and XV; answer GRQs; study! quiz on all of Circle 7 on Monday! Respond to Journal #25: As we encounter various levels of violence in Circle 7, ponder the intentions of Dante Alighieri. In Round 2, we see violence against self, namely suicide. Do you believe that ALL people who commit suicide would be found here? If not, why? Think about religion, age, intention, motivation, etc. Use 2 pieces of textual evidence. Two pages long. Friday 12-14: No School- Trojan Triumph setup! |
Week 18Monday 12-17: Read and annotate Cantos XIV, XV; GRQs to #70
Tuesday 12-18: Review Circle 7 Round 3 for a quiz tomorrow; Respond to Journal #26: Thinking about the sinners in the 3rd round of Circle 7, how can you apply the idea of usurers, blasphemers, and sodomites to contemporary society? Do you think that there would be any current usurers, blasphemers, or sodomites in hell from our society? What kinds of people do you think are here? What kinds of connections can we make to sinners in our society compared to those sinners we encounter in Circle 7 Round 3 of Dante’s “Inferno?” Two pages long; 3 pieces of textual evidence. Wednesday 12-19: None :) Thursday 12-20: Day "0"! Friday 12-21: No School! Teacher Inservice! |
Week 19Monday 12-24: No School- Merry Christmas!
Tuesday 12-25: No School- Merry Christmas! Wednesday 12-26: No School- Merry Christmas! Thursday 12-27: No School- Merry Christmas! Friday 12-28: No School- Merry Christmas! |
Week 20Monday 12-31: No School- Happy New Year!
Tuesday 01-01: No School- Happy New Year! Wednesday 01-02: Finish Journal #27: In a one and a half page reflection, write about either the best day of your Christmas break or the worst day of your Christmas break; Create midterm study guide by 3:00pm Friday! Study! Midterm exam next Thursday! Thursday 01-03: Create midterm study guide by 3:00pm Friday! Study! Midterm exam next Thursday! Friday 01-04: Create midterm study guide by 3:00pm today! Study! Midterm exam next Thursday! |
Week 21Monday 01-07: Study! Midterm on Thursday!
Tuesday 01-08: Study! Midterm on Thursday! Wednesday 01-09: Study! Midterm tomorrow! Thursday 01-10: none :) Friday 01-11: Brainstorm ideas for thesis statements on Virgil being a father figure |
Week 22Monday 01-14: Using Inferno Thesis Statement Ideas worksheet found below, choose a thesis statement and email it to Miss Skirtich by 3:00pm. Using thesis statements, create outline with 6 pieces of textual evidence, topic sentences, etc. Using outline worksheet (printed out)
Tuesday 01-15: No School- Teacher Inservice! Wednesday 01-16: Compose rough draft for tomorrow (printed out) Thursday 01-17: Peer edit completed by another student; compose a 2nd rough draft for tomorrow (printed out) Friday 01-18: Complete CAP portion of e-portfolio for 02-17 by 11:59:59pm; Compose final draft of thesis paper for Tuesday; all 5 documents must be printed out (outline, rough draft, peer edit checklist, 2nd draft, final draft); upload to Turnitin.com and shared on OneDrive |
Week 23Monday 01-21: No School- MLK Day!
Tuesday 01-22: Read and annotate Canto XIX; answer GRQs; prepare for quiz on Circle 8 Bolgias 1 & 2 tomorrow Wednesday 01-23:HW: Read and annotate Cantos XIX & XX; answer GRQs; study for quiz on Circle 8 Bolgias 3 & 4 tomorrow! Thursday 01-24: Read and annotate Cantos XXI, XII; answer GRQs; respond to Journal #27: In Circle 8 Bolgia 4, Dante encounters the Fortune Tellers and Diviners. These people committed simple fraud by trying to foresee the future. In modern times, we see this similarly in astrology, and even in a stretch, in fiduciary marketing and advice given by financiers about money futures and stocks in the Stock Market. Compare and contrast these sinners in the text with contemporary versions and discuss if they commit the same type of sin, and if their sins are justified. Does this qualify as Simple Fraud? Explain and give 3 examples of people in contemporary society who may also commit this type of fraud. At least 2 pieces of textual evidence. One page long. Friday 01-25: Read and annotate Canto XXIII; answer GRQs up to #79; create a visual element for any of the Bolgias for Circle 8 that we've studied so far for BONUS for Monday- you can draw them by hand or make something online! |
Week 24Monday 01-28: Read and annotate Canto XIII; answer GRQs; study for quiz on Circle 8 Bolgia 5 on Wednesday!
Tuesday 01-29: Read and annotate Canto XXIV, XXV; answer GRQs; study for a quiz on Circle 8 Bolgias 5 & 6 tomorrow! Wednesday 01-30: No School- Snow Day! Thursday 01-31: No School- Snow Day! Friday 02-01: No School- Snow Day! |
Week 25Monday 02-04: Read and annotate Cantos XXVI, XXVII; answers GRQs; create a visual element for 8.7 for BONUS for tomorrow; study for a quiz on Circle 8 Bolgia 7 on Wednesday
Tuesday 02-05: Read and annotate Cantos XXVIII; answer GRQs; copy down notes from Circle 8 Bolgias 7-9 in your notebook Wednesday 02-06: Read and annotate Cantos XXIX, XXX; answer GRQs; Unit exam on "Inferno" on 02-19 Thursday 02-07: Read and annotate Cantos XXIX, XXX; answer GRQs; Unit exam on "Inferno" on 2-19; Copy down Miss Skirtich's notes on Circle 8 Bolgias 8 & 9; Complete take home quiz on Circle 8 Bolgias 7- 8 for tomorrow Friday 02-08: Read and annotate Canto XXXI; answer GRQs; study! Unit exam on "Inferno" on 2-19 |
Week 26Monday 02-11: Read and annotate Canto XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV; answer GRQs; study! Unit exam on "Inferno" on 2-19; Inferno project due on 02-22
Tuesday 02-12: Complete take home quiz on Circle 9 for tomorrow; start project due on 02-22; study! Unit exam on "Inferno" on 2-19 Wednesday 02-13: Study! Unit exam on "Inferno" on Tuesday 02-19; GRQs due on Tuesday 02-19; prepare projects for 02-22 Thursday 02-14: Complete writing Prompt #3 in OneDrive and on Turnitin.com by midnight! Study! Unit exam on "Inferno" on Tuesday 02-19; GRQs due on Tuesday 02-19; prepare projects for 02-22 Friday 02-15: No School- Teacher Inservice! |
Week 27Monday 02-18: No School- President's Day!
Tuesday 02-19: Complete Inferno project for 02-22! Wednesday 02-20: No School- Snow Day! Continue to work on Inferno project for Friday! (written portion needs to be shared in OneDrive and Turnitin.com!) Thursday 02-21: Complete Inferno project for tomorrow (written portion needs to be shared in OneDrive and Turnitin.com! Friday 02-22: Respond to Journal #28: Reflect on the first academic semester and how you have been succeeding or otherwise in your studies. How can you change the trajectory that you have created thus far in order to create positive change for the new 9 weeks? What kinds of things can you do differently in order to achieve your academic goals? Write one whole page with at least 5 actionable steps that you can take to see the change you wish to accomplish. Address all subject areas, not just English. One whole page. |
Week 28 Monday 02-25: Complete Goal Setting Packet for tomorrow; Start to research BigFuture.collegeboard.org and USnewsandworldreports.com;
Tuesday 02-26: Complete 3 of the worksheets in the college and career research packet for tomorrow! Wednesday 02-27: Complete research packets for tomorrow! Thursday 02-28: Submit your thesis statement for the college and career thesis paper to Miss Skirtich in the link in your school email Friday 03-01: Compose outline for Monday with 6 pieces of evidence from your research to support your thesis statement |
Week 29Monday 03-04: Compose rough draft in OneDrive and share it with Miss Skirtich; the title of your paper should be Your Last Name- College Thesis Paper #1 or Your Last Name-Career Thesis Paper #1 (use the one that corresponds with the topic you're studying for this unit!)
Tuesday 03-05: Complete peer edits on your rough draft using the Peer Edit Checklist and prepare 2nd draft for tomorrow PRINTED OUT; continue to research and prepare visual element Wednesday 03-06: Refine draft with peer editing in mind; continue to research and prepare visual element due Tuesday; compose final draft for Monday Thursday 03-07: Prepare final draft for Monday; continue to research and prepare visual element for Tuesday Friday 03-08: Prepare visual element for Tuesday; all 5 documents due Monday, including final draft PRINTED OUT |
Week 30Monday 03-11: Work on CAP assignment due Thursday (3-14); visual element of college and career research project due tomorrow
Tuesday 03-12: prepare presentation for tomorrow! Wednesday 03-13: prepare presentation for tomorrow! Thursday 03-14: none :) Friday 03-15: No School! Teacher Inservice! |
Week 31Monday 03-18: Review notes on the French Revolution and complete worksheet based on videos for tomorrow
Tuesday 03-19: Draft ideas for flash fiction piece by tomorrow; Complete journal #29: Reflecting on what makes flash fiction good, what you liked about the stories that were read aloud in class, and what you need to incorporate into your own flash fiction story to make it well worth the read for the reader. At least one whole page. Wednesday 03-20: Compose flash fiction piece for tomorrow (TYPED AND PRINTED OUT BEFORE CLASS) Thursday 03-21: none :) Friday 03-22: Study! Quiz on background info of Animal Farm on Tuesday! |
Week 32Monday 03-25: Review background notes on Animal Farm and Study! Quiz on background info on Wednesday!
Tuesday 03-26: Review background notes on Animal Farm and Study! Quiz on background info tomorrow! Copy vocab for Chapter 1 in notebook and on notecards for tomorrow! Wednesday 03-27: Complete Journal #31 for tomorrow about why governments get overthrown/ What made these people dissatisfied with their leaders and their living conditions? Reflect on current events around the world. At least one whole page. Thursday 03-28: Read and annotate Chapter 1 in notebook; answer GRQs; fill out character sheet Friday 03-29: Read and annotate Chapter 2 in notebook answer GRQs; respond to Journal #32 for Monday: Reflecting on Chapter 2 after Old Major dies and Mr. Jones leaves Animal Farm, in what ways is there equal treatment ensured in the new rules of Animal Farm? How is that treatment going to be maintained? Who will maintain the fair treatment? List at least two of the rules and talk about how they will create equal opportunity for all the animals on the farm. One whole page. |
Week 33Monday 04-01: Read and annotate Chapter 3; Complete Chapter 3 vocab in notebook and on notecards/quizlet, answer GRQs, complete Chapter 3 close-reading assignment; Study! Quiz on Chapters 1-3 tomorrow!
Tuesday 04-02: Read and annotate chapter 4; Complete Chapter 4 vocab in notebook and on notecards/quizlet, answer GRQs; answer Journal #33: From what you know so far about the pigs and the other animals on the farm, speculate on what the future will be like for the animals. As you continue reading, compare your predictions to what actually happens in the novel. At least one page. Wednesday 04-03: Read and annotate Chapter 5; Complete Chapter 5 vocab in notebook and on notecards/quizlet; answer GRQs Thursday 04-04: Complete Chapter 6 vocab in notebook and on notecards/quizlet; answer GRQs; Study! Quiz on Chapters 4-6 tomorrow! Friday 04-05: Study! Quiz on Ch. 4-6 on Monday! Complete Identifying Authority worksheet; answer Journal #34: Reflect on a time when you faced a decision that you were influenced to make. What were the factors at play? What were the circumstances? Explain thoroughly and identify the feelings that you had about the situation. At least one whole page. |
Week 34Monday 04-08: Complete Chapter 7 vocab in notebook and on notecards/Quizlet; answer GRQs; Complete close reading activity worksheet for tomorrow
Tuesday 04-09: Complete Chapter 8 vocab in notebook and on notecards/Quizlet; answer GRQs Wednesday 04-10: Complete Chapter 9 vocab in notebook and on notecards/quizlet; answer GRQs; Journal #34: Reflecting on how quickly Boxer is forgotten on Animal Farm, connect the idea to the Russian Revolution and Communist party forgetting about the proletariat, the working class. How is the government able to do this? Why are they treated this way in this way? At least one whole page. Thursday 04-11: Complete Chapter 10 vocab in notebook and on notecards/Quizlet; answer GRQs; prepare for unit assessment (writing prompt) on Monday; answer Journal #35: Reflecting on Chapter 10, what is your takeaway of the animals on Animal Farm? Do you feel as if they are simply too stupid to know any better, or do you think that they are aware, but relinquish control and allow things, both good and bad, to happen to them regardless of their efforts? Or, do you think that the pigs are more to blame? How does this reminisce the Russian Revolution? At least one page. Friday 04-12: Brainstorm ideas about lessons learned from Animal Farm that will help you to prepare for the writing prompt on Monday; finish all GRQs and prepare for vocab test on Monday for all 10 chapters |
Week 35Monday 04-15: Complete Animal Farm Writing Prompt #1 in OneDrive and Turnitin by 12am
Tuesday 04-16: none :) Wednesday 04-17: No School- Teacher Inservice! Thursday 04-18: No School- Easter Break! Friday 04-19: No School- Easter Break! |
Week 36Monday 04-22: No School- Easter Break!
Tuesday 04-23: Review notes on The Hiding Place and compose "check in letter" for Miss Skirtich about the end of the year/quarter Wednesday 04-24: Review notes on The Hiding Place for quiz on Friday; complete Journal #36: Reflecting on the background notes on Corrie Ten Boom's family in the Holocaust, compose a one page journal response as if you were a member of her family. At least one whole page. Thursday 04-25: Study! Quiz tomorrow! Friday 04-26: Read and annotate Chapter 1 of The Hiding Place; Extra Credit assignment due on Monday on OneDrive and Turnitin.com! |
Week 37Monday 04-29: Read and annotate Chapter 2; answer Journal #37: Reflecting on Chapter 2 of The Hiding Place, consider how Caspar Ten Boom tells Corrie that "God gives us the strength we need right before we face difficulty, like getting a train ticket right before we get on the train." What does this quote mean to you? Discuss a time in your life when God has given you the strength to persevere through a difficult time. At least one whole page.
Tuesday 04-30: Read and annotate Chapter 3; answer Journal #38: “Happiness isn’t something that depends on our surroundings. It’s something we make inside ourselves.” How do you define happiness? How do you determine what a happy environment looks like? At least one whole page. Wednesday 05-01: Read and annotate Chapter 4 in your notebook Thursday 05-02: Read and annotate Chapter 5 in your notebook; answer Journal #39: Reflecting on Chapter 5, identify a time when you were being persecuted or targeted, like Betsie, Corrie, and all of Holland. What were the circumstances? How did this affect you? Did faith play a role in your life during this time? At least one whole page. Friday 05-03: Read "The Rise of Adolf Hitler" below. Then, answer the questions about the reading passage on a sheet of loosleaf paper. These questions are to be turned in to the substitute by the end of the class. |
Week 38Monday 05-06: Read and annotate Chapter 6; answer Journal #40: How do you determine whom you can trust? Do you have any experience with picking the wrong people to trust? Explain the circumstances. At least one whole page.
Tuesday 05-07: Read and annotate Chapter 7; study for quiz on Chapters 4-7 tomorrow! Wednesday 05-08:Read and annotate Chapter 8; Thursday 05-09: Read and annotate Chapters 9; answer Journal #41: Reflect on how Betsie gets smacked across the face by the Nazi soldier in their home. Corrie says, "He hurt you!" to which Betsie responds, "Yes, I feel so sorry for him." Consider a time when you have seen someone do something wrong or say something mean, and you have felt bad for them. What were the circumstances? Why do you think that Betsie feels bad for him? How does this demonstrate a maturity in her that many people fail to have? At least one whole page. Friday 05-10: Read and annotate Chapter 10 & 11; prepare for a quiz on Chapters 8-11 on Monday! |
Week 39Monday 05-13: Read and annotate Chapter 12; prepare for quiz on Chapters 8-12 tomorrow!
Tuesday 05-14: Read and annotate Chapter 13; respond to Journal #42: Reflecting on the goings on throughout The Hiding Place, consider how the Nazi soldiers had the authority to inflict pain and suffering on those people in the prisons and concentration camps. Reflect on this statement: "Just because you can doesn't mean that you should." Reflect on a time in your life when you had the power to do something but you chose not to instead. At least one whole page. Wednesday 05-15: Read and annotate Chapter 14; Thursday 05-16:Read and annotate Chapter 15; prepare for writing prompt tomorrow Friday 05-17: Prepare for unit exam of The Hiding Place Writing Prompt #1 for Monday! |
Week 40Monday 05-20: Complete The Hiding PlaceWriting Prompt #1 by the end of class today; share on OneDrive with Miss Skirtich and submit it to Turnitin by 6pm
Tuesday 05-21: Finish taking notes on The Song at the Scaffold background notes and watch the rest of the documentary this morning Wednesday 05-22: Finish reading and annotating Chapter 1; respond to Journal #43: After reading Chapter 1 of The Song at the Scaffold, reflect on the character of Blanche de la Force. How can you describe her? Do you know anyone, or are you, as timid as she is and the shy nature of how she acts? Connect to the Madame de Chalais, who runs the convent and encourages Blanche that God will protect her through anything. Do you take to God's support and loving embrace when you encounter tough times? How do you persevere in the face of failure? Do you have anyone in your life who encourages you in the same way? Who are they, and how do they do so successfully? Explain in a one page response. Thursday 05-23: Finish reading and annotating Chapter 2 & 3; respond to ONE OF THE JOURNAL PROMPTS BELOW: Journal #44: Reflecting on Blanche's happiness, what can you attribute that personality change to? Why is she no longer afraid? Or, if she becomes afraid, what is her response? How does this response become similar or different than your response when you are afraid? Do you or someone you know have a similar reliance on God for support? At least one whole page. OR In Chapter 3 of the text, Sister Marie de l'Incarnation says, "Must fear and horror always be evil? Is it not possible that they may be deeper than courage, something that corresponds far more to the reality of thins, to the terrors of the world, and to our weakness?" Reflecting on Chapter 3 of the text, consider what she means by this. Do you agree with this statement? What relevance does it have to the French Revolution? What do you think about that statement? Give me an example in your own life where evil has triumphed courage, and another where courage triumphed fear. At least one whole page Friday 05-24: N0 School- Happy Memorial Day! |
Week 41Monday 05-27: No School- Happy Memorial Day!
Tuesday 05-28: Read and annotate Chapters 4 & 5; respond to Journal #45: Reflecting on the feast that we as Catholics celebrate in May for the Blessed Mother, think about how Sister Marie de l'Incarnation provides a role model for Blanche. Consider how she encourages Blanche and the sisters to go from door to door in the convent to rekindle hope in the religious sister's lives. Since the French government was coming to dissuade them from being the convent, how does Blanche show courage in the face of danger? Explain how she and the sisters represent hope and faith in a dark, morbid time in history. At least one whole page. Wednesday 05-29: Finish reading and annotating Chapters 6 & 7; prepare study guide for Thursday 06-06 Thursday 05-30: Finish reading and annotating Chapter 8 & 9; prepare study guide for Thursday 06-06 Friday 05-31: Finish reading and annotating Chapter 10 & 11; prepare study guide for Thursday 06-06; prepare brainstorming activity for Monday's writing prompt on The Song at the Scaffold |
Week 42Monday 06-03: Study! Final exam on Thursday! Complete study guide for English 10 final exam by Thursday 06-06
Tuesday 06-04: Study! Final exam on Thursday! Complete study guide for English 10 final exam by Thursday 06-06 Wednesday 06-05: Study! Final exam tomorrow! Complete study guide for English 10 final exam by tomorrow! Thursday 06-06: Good luck! English 10 final exam :) Friday 06-07: Happy Summer! |
Week 43
Monday 06-10: Happy Summer!